We Have an Agreement Crossword Clue

If you`re a crossword enthusiast, you know that one of the most frustrating experiences is encountering a clue that you simply can`t solve. One such clue that has been stumping puzzlers for years is « we have an agreement. » This seemingly straightforward phrase has left many scratching their heads, but fear not, we`re here to help you solve this elusive crossword clue.

Firstly, it`s important to understand the structure of a crossword puzzle. Typically, the puzzle will have a set of clues that are written in two parts: the definition and the wordplay. The definition is the straightforward description of the answer while the wordplay gives you a hint on how to form the answer by playing with words.

Now, let`s look at « we have an agreement » as a clue. The first thing to note is that it is likely that this is a cryptic crossword clue. Cryptic crosswords are a special type of crossword puzzle where the clues are not always literal and require a bit of lateral thinking to solve.

In this case, « we have an agreement » is likely a cryptic clue for a specific word or phrase. The wordplay in the clue is the key to solving it. One possible way to interpret the wordplay in this clue is as follows: « we » could be interpreted as the letters « w » and « e, » while « an agreement » could be read as a synonym for « pact. » Putting these two together, we get the word « wee, » which means small or tiny.

Therefore, the answer to « we have an agreement » is likely « wee. » It`s important to note that this is just one possible answer, as cryptic clues can often have multiple interpretations.

So, the next time you come across « we have an agreement » in a crossword puzzle, don`t get discouraged. Remember to consider the wordplay in the clue, think outside the box, and you`ll be one step closer to completing the puzzle. Happy crossword solving!

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