Subject Verb Agreement Exercises for Beginners

Subject-verb agreement is an essential concept in grammar that refers to the matching of the subject and verb in a sentence. Proper subject-verb agreement is crucial in improving writing skills, as it creates a grammatically sound sentence. However, it can be a bit tricky for beginners, and that`s why we have subject verb agreement exercises to help them.

In this article, we will discuss some subject verb agreement exercises that beginners can do to improve their writing skills.

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blank

In this exercise, you will need to fill in the blank spaces with the correct verb form, depending on the subject of the sentence.


The cat _____ on the fence.


The cat is sitting on the fence.


The subject of the sentence is « cat, » and the correct verb form in present tense is « is sitting. »

Exercise 2: Multiple Choice

In this exercise, you will be given multiple options to choose from to fill in the blank spaces. You will need to select the option that matches the subject.


The group of students _____ for the test.

a. Is studying

b. Are studying

c. Am studying

d. Were studying


The group of students is studying for the test.


The subject of the sentence is « group, » which is a collective noun considered as a singular noun. Hence, the correct option is « is studying, » which agrees with the subject.

Exercise 3: Rewrite the Sentence

In this exercise, you will need to rewrite the sentence using the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.


The news are unreliable.


The news is unreliable.


The subject of the sentence is « news, » which is a collective noun considered as a singular noun. Hence, the correct verb form is « is » to match the subject.

Exercise 4: Identify the Error

In this exercise, you will need to identify the error in the sentence and correct it.


The dog barks loudly every morning.


No error.


The subject of the sentence is « dog, » and the verb form « barks » agrees with the subject, making the sentence grammatically correct.


Subject-verb agreement exercises are vital for beginners as they help them understand and practice the essential concept of matching the subject and verb in a sentence. Consistent practice of these exercises will improve their writing skills, leading to effective communication in writing.

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